support tool

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网络  支持工具; 支持工具包



  1. Future articles will provide updates on new releases and features as well as go into details on more components of the ATF and other support tool kits, such as Zimbra and Rico.
  2. Project management tools support collaboration somewhat, but one would not categorize them necessarily as a collaboration support tool.
  3. A basic understanding of parallel programming will help and any programming knowledge on Java ™ or other object-oriented languages will be a good support tool.
  4. I think a service registry's main focus is how WSO2 and Mule are now advancing it& that being more as a collaboration and support tool.
  5. To develop a series of technical support tool/ product model and sample for project biding& sell through.
  6. Develop the skills required to identify the opportunity and manage the implementation of an optimization-based decision support tool.
  7. This implementation runs as a decision support tool, the simulation example proves its usefulness in decision making and real time control.
  8. We've also tried to anticipate as many of your questions as possible and have included detailed information on our Certifications Online Support tool.
  9. Visual modeling language is a language, which uses graphics to describe the system or software, while visual modeling language editor provides support tool for it.
  10. And moreover, a support tool for group cooperative design in distributed GIS field is given and a corresponding cooperative work mechanism is put out.
  11. The paper studies some relevant theories and schemes to resolve system of application support tool in process resource management system of product-oriented CAPP, designs and develops process resource system.
  12. So it is very important to design and implement a support tool of personal project process management based on PSP frame.
  13. Research and Development on FBS-CBR Virtual Prototype Conceptual Design Support Tool
  14. The principle of process oriented approach for non functional requirements traceability is presented. The application of this approach in the design process of a radar system is analysed, and the corresponding prototype of the support tool is realized.
  15. An enterprise process based software requirement modeling technology is presented in this paper. The support tool EPS RMT is designed and its prototype is implemented.
  16. Web parts library ( WebPL) is an important support tool for the implementation of MC.
  17. OLAP ( On Line Analytical Processing) is a decision support tool based on Data Warehouse. Some main external manufacturers all provided their settlements and products of Data Warehouse and OLAP.
  18. DEST 2. 0: A Design Support Tool Based on Case Prototype
  19. On the basis of theoretic research, a collision solution support tool is developed based on relation database, and the tool can help solving collision in the distributed cooperation design course.
  20. A test environment is composed of a test system and a test support tool set.
  21. Variance analysis is an important decision support tool of activity-based cost management.
  22. The goal of this research is providing a graphical method and a support tool for designing Ada concurrent software. By using the method and tool, the design of a concurrent software is expressed by a design graph, and the corresponding program framework is generated automatically.
  23. The evaluation method for product concurrent design and the evaluation support tool are studied deeply and systematically.
  24. A knowledge conceptualization method and support tool are addressed to help the knowledge engineer acquiring knowledge, shorting knowledge acquisition process, improving the quality of acquired knowledge.
  25. A well-designed simulation system is the important basis and guarantee of simulation experiment which is a powerful support tool for scientific researches in Multi-aircraft, Multi-target, Beyond Visual Range Air Combat ( MMBVRAC).
  26. OLAP is a powerful decision support tool.
  27. Today, the ultimate way to retrieve and share resources in a distributed system is the use of Online Analytical Processing ( OLAP) tools. OLAP is a multi-dimensional analysis and decision support tool, which built on the basis of data warehouse.
  28. The light-weight J2EE architecture is employed as the system development infrastructure, while native XML database is adopted as the data support tool. The MVC design pattern is implemented, which improves system extensibility and optimizes the hierarchy structure.
  29. Through analysis and comparison, select the method of Petri net modeling for BPR as a support tool.
  30. Meanwhile, requirement management is often used with patients and the functional point of law and the current demand for software project management support tool used to introduce relevant.